Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 3
Part 8 of

Al-Farooq: Mountain of Justice

-Umar(RA) was from the family of Banu Adee
-His Kunya was Abu Hafs
-As a youth he worked as a sheperd and a buisness man
-He was 29 years old when the Prophet (saw) recieved the revelation.
-He was tall and had a large body. His legs would drag from a horse.
-Very Eloquent.
-Extremely wise and knowledgeble.
-Had 12 children. Well known were Abdallah, a great scholar and Hafsa who was married to the Prophet.

-Before he became a muslim he would beat his slaves and volunteer to beat other peoples slaves who went into Islam.

-He hated the Prophet (saw) but didn't kill him.
-Umar's conversion (find and read)

-When he became a muslim it was a conquest. Islam went from being private to being public.

-When he gave suggestions, verses would be revealed confirming his opinion, such as:

1) Regarding the Prisoners of Badr [Surah Anfal, Verse 67]
2) The Hijab of the wives of the Prophet (saw).
3) Ayah regarding Alcohol.
4) The location of Makami Ibrahim: Station of Ibrahim by Kabah. "Shall we not take from the station of Ibrahim a place of prayer"

- Even the Shaytan is scared of Umar (RA)

- His characteristic: he loved people to criticize him.

- Closed gate of Fitnah: Whenever one started, he would not allow it. Internal Fitnah.

- A dua he usually made: "O Allah, I'm rough so make me soft. I'm weak so make me strong. I'm stingy so make me generous"

- Muslims were so sow to join Al-Muthana's army since all of them wanted Khalid's army.

- He allowed repented muslims to join armies = huge armies for both.

- A huge push in battles and armies since repented muslim joined to make up for what was lost.



MASS said...

asalamu aleykum

its my first time here mashaAllah seems like a great blog and jazakum Allahu khairan for the post

although just one thing, it will be closer to purity and piety to remove that pic of the profile
jazakum Allahu khairan

baraka Allahu fekum

Unknown said...

very impressive! I am so glad to see someone so young eager to collect this much islamic info...

Solz said...

im really impressed with wot uve done. keep it up

Chet said...

I found your blog from the comments on Mortalmuslim's blog. I am very impressed with your blog. To see someone so young as you and few others blogging not just telling about your believe in Islam but to have the faith in your hearts. It is good to come and read just to renew my faith in God. I am not a Muslim, but like you there is a reason for everything. Nothing happens by accident.. Keep it up. Allah be with you.

mortalmuslim said...

I am posting here for the first time.I am so confused there r 2 blogs I knw of "faith" i think that one is "eman"!Oh i dunt know
anywayss..."Even the Shaytan is scared of Umar (RA)" I have never heard of this mashallah!!
jazakillah khair sis..